Tuesday, December 20, 2011

National University(NU) Masters Final Year Exam Result 2008

National University Masters Result 2008

National University (NU) has been published Masters Final Year Exam Result- 2008. National University (NU) Masters Final Year 2008 Exam Result is available on National University web site.
Get National University (NU) Masters Final Year Exam Result- 2008

National university masters result all subject published. he published result includes the following subjects: Bangla, English, Social Science, Statistics, Marketing, Geography, Home Economics, Arabic, Palli, Sanskrit, Psychology, Library and Information Science, Soil Science and Biochemistry
Click the link to get your result

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Independence Day of Bangladesh

Today Is the 4oth Independence Day of Bangladesh

Bangladesh muktijuddhas (freedom fighters) raising a flag
in honour of newly-independent Bangladesh

Today Gonoprojatontri Bangladesh (the People's Republic of Bangladesh) observes its 4oth independence day. In the early morning of March 26, 1971, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared the independence of Bangladesh before his arrest by the West Pakistani soldiers who had already started crackdown on the East Pakistanis (people of Bangladesh) before midnight of March 25. The birth pang of Bangladesh was in the form of the Bangladesh War of Independence that lasted for nine months. During this time, West Pakistani soldiers and their local collaborators killed three million East Pakistanis, raped three hundred thousand girls and women and made 10 million people leave their homes and take refuge in neighbouring India. Bangladesh muktijuddhas, trained by India, were engaged in guerrilla warfare with the West Pakistani soldiers and ultimately with the assistance of the Indian army liberated the country. On December 16, 1971, Bangladesh emerged as the newly independent nation.

The Real Independence Is Proven in Actions, Not in Words

A lot of water has passed through the rivers of Bangladesh, a lot of events took place in the country -- some are totally condemnable, some tolerable, others laudatory. In its 40 years of life, Bangladesh is now passing through its middle age. It's time to deeply reflect on the achievements and failures of this country that had gained its independence after profound sacrifices and pains of its entire population in 1971.

Being Bangladeshis, we must reflect on the following and prove the real independence in actions and not in words alone.
  • Are the fruits of independence being enjoyed by all Bangladeshis irrespective of religion, ethnicity and socio-economic-political status in the society?
  • How much freedom (personal freedom, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of the media including the press, freedom from encroachment of others, freedom from poverty) is being enjoyed by the people of Bangladesh?
  • How much discrimination is being faced by religious and ethnic minority groups in the country? What is really being done to reduce this discrimination?
  • Aren't indiscriminate and unnecessary hartals (general strikes), picketing and vandalism an encroachment on the rights and livelihood of other people?
  • Independence is supposed to provide opportunities to formation of political leadership in the country. In reality, same old leadership is holding on to the power in rotation depriving the formation, mentoring and maturity of new leadership. This huge gap is dangerous for the country.
  • How much has been done to look after the real muktijuddhas (freedom fighters) and birongonas (girls and women who had been raped during the Bangladesh War of Independence)?
  • Do our people know the real causes of and events that led to the Bangladesh War of Independence? Are our school, college and university textbooks portraying the true history of Bangladesh?
  • Forty years have already passed, but how much has been achieved in giving exemplary punishment to the war criminals who were engaged in crimes against humanity in 1971?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Online Admission 2009-2010 Masters Part-1

Masters Part-1 Online Admission 2009-2010


Masters Part-1 Admission Last date- 23/6/2011

For Details Notice Visit

Want to Apply Online !!! Click Here

Monday, May 30, 2011

Bangladeshi HSC & Dakhil Exam 2011, HSC & Dakhil Exam Result 2011 BD,BD HSC Result 2011, HSC Exam Result 2011 BD

Bangladeshi HSC & Dakhil Exam 2011, HSC & Dakhil Exam Result 2011 BD, HSC Result 2011, HSC Exam Result 2011
Bangladesh Educational Board will publish HSC Exam result 2011 coming soon. The HSC examination began on 5th April 2011 under secondary and higher secondary education board. This year 7,79,441 students are attending under 9 education boards.This year the number of boys students are 4,24,823 and girls students are 3,54,618. 43,068 students are increased then previous year HSC Exam.HSC exam will end on 31th may 2011 practical exam will be held under 02-06-2011 to 16-06-2011.

HSC result 2011 will publish Soon and you can get your result in following link :Result will be Publishing at 11AM(Local Time)

Education Board Site – http://www.educationboard.govt.bd

Education Board Result Site – http://www.educationboardresults.gov.bd

Monday, May 9, 2011

Bangladeshi SSC & Dakhil Exam 2011, SSC & Dakhil Exam Result 2011 BD, SSC Result 2011,

Bangladeshi SSC & Dakhil Exam 2011, SSC  & Dakhil Exam Result 2011 BD, SSC Result 2011,

The SSC examination of 2011 was start in the month on 1 february 2011 under secondery and higher secondery education doard . At the first day six thousands five hundreds eighty three students ware absent and twenty three students expaled. This year 1.3 million fiftien thousands two students are attenting under 10 education boards. This year the number of boys students are 6,78,0293 and girls students are 6,36,709. 1,08,983 students are incresed than previous year SSC exam. SSC exam will end on 10/3/2011 and practical exam will be held under 12/3/2011-15/3/2011. The SSC exam's result will be published around 60 days after end of the exam.

Bangladesh Educational Board will be published SSC Exam result 2011 on 12 May, 2011 at around 12 PM (local Time). The Chairman of Dhaka Board professor Fatima Khatun says to Bangladeshi Daily Newspaper Prothom-Alo on 3rd may 2011. Manistry of Education, Government of Bangladesh will confirm that they can be published this SSC result 2011 on 12 may, 2011.The result publishing date was 10 may, 2011. Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina who was now out of country that's why 10 may, 2011 are not publishing SSC exam result in Bangladesh and it will be published 12 May, 2011.

You can get your SSC result from visit this site......

Just enters your Roll No, Registration No, Board Name and press Enter, Then get your Result.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Online DV Result 2012

DV Result 2012

Dear Diversity Visa Lottery Entrant:

We regret to inform you that, because of a computer programming error, the results of the 2012 Diversity Lottery that were previously posted on the Department of State Entrant Status Check website have been voided. The results were not valid because they did not represent a fair, random selection of entrants, as required by U.S. law. They were posted in error.

If you checked the Entrant Status Check website (http://www.dvlottery.state.gov) during the first week in May and found a notice that you had been selected for further processing or a notice that you had not been selected, that notice has been rescinded and is no longer valid.

A new selection process will be conducted based on the original entries for the 2012 program.

You submitted a qualified entry between October 5, 2010 and November 3, 2010. Your entry remains with us and will be included in the new selection lottery. Your confirmation number to check results on the Entrant Status Check website is still valid.

If you lost or destroyed your confirmation number, please click here:

We expect the results of the new selection process to be available on or about July 15, 2011 at http://www.dvlottery.state.gov

We regret any inconvenience or disappointment this might have caused.

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions:

Q: Why was it necessary to invalidate the names that were selected?

U.S. law requires that Diversity Immigrant visas be made available through a strictly random process. A computer programming error resulted in a selection that was not truly random.
Since the computer programming error caused an outcome that was not random, the outcome did not meet the requirements of the law, and would have been unfair to many DV entrants.

Q: Is the 2012 Diversity Visa Program cancelled?

No. The 2012 program will continue. The computer programming error has been identified and corrected. The Department of State will run a new selection using all the qualified entries submitted for the 2012 program (received between October 5, 2010 and November 3, 2010).

Q: Do I have to submit a new application?

No. You may not submit a new application. We will use all qualified entries received during the October 5 to November 3, 2010 registration period.

Q: Will you open a new entry period?

No. New entries will not be accepted.

Q: I checked the Entry Status Check website after May 1 and it said I had been selected. Can I apply for a DV visa?

Unfortunately, results previously posted on this website are not valid because the selection process was not fair or random. We will take the entries of all individuals who sent in their registration during the original October 5 to November 3, 2010 time period and run a new lottery. We regret any inconvenience or disappointment this has caused.

Q: How can I check the results of the new selection?

The new results should be available on this website on or about July 15, 2011. The confirmation code you received when you registered is still valid for use on the website.

Q: Was the Department of State hacked? Was my personal information at risk?

We have no evidence that this problem was caused by any intentional act. No unauthorized party accessed data related to the DV program.
This appears to be solely the result of a computer programming error.

Q: You said the Department of State would not contact DV entrants by e-mail. Why are you sending this one now?

Because of the computer error, we decided it was important to notify every person who might have seen incorrect information on the website. An e-mail was the fastest way to reach DV entrants.
Winners in the new selection process will not be notified by e-mail. The results of the new selection process will only be available on the Entrant Status Check website (http://www.dvlottery.state.gov) on or about July 15, 2011.

Q: I thought I was selected, and I sent application forms to the Kentucky Consular Center. What should I do now?

Those forms will not be processed by the Kentucky Consular Center, because they were submitted in connection with the lottery result that was voided. We cannot reimburse you for any costs, such as postage, that you may have paid to send these forms to the Kentucky Consular Center. You should check the Entrant Status Check website on or about July 15 to see if you are selected in the repeated lottery selection process. If you are selected again, we ask that you simply follow the instructions given in the notification letter, including the step of mailing your completed application forms to the Kentucky Consular Center, once again.

Q: I thought I was selected. I am in the United State and contacted US Citizenship and Immigration Services about adjustment of status. What should I do now?

USCIS will not process any adjustment of status cases based on the voided DV selection process. If you already paid the $440 DV fee to the USBank lockbox based on your belief that you had been selected, you may request a refund from KCC through the following mailing address:

Kentucky Consular Center
3505 Highway 25-W North
Williamsburg, Kentucky 40769